+2Palm Massage Oil (AFO) - 5000ml (5L) - Refill PackStore/Massage Products/Massage Oil (MO)/Palm Massage Oil - 5LSKU 52355RM275.00ScentsAloe VeraAgarwoodBergamotCloveDaisyEucalyptusFrankincenseGingerLavenderRoseYlang YlangOther (Please PM)In stockQuantity:1 Add More Add to BagGo to CheckoutSave this product for later Favorite Favorited View FavoritesShare this product with your friendsShareSharePin itPalm Massage Oil (AFO) - 5000ml (5L) - Refill PackStore/Massage Products/Massage Oil (MO)/Palm Massage Oil - 5LProduct DetailsWeight: 5 000 g